Tax Services:
Our team of tax specialists provide tailored solutions that focus on your specific business goals and industry requirements in line with your corporate objectives.
Our team of tax specialists provide tailored solutions that focus on your specific business goals and industry requirements in line with your corporate objectives.
In a complex global market place, there is a need for strong, practical and proactive advice on international tax. Our International Tax team in Ireland is supported by our DFK International colleagues – DFK International is a Top 10 international association of accounting firms. This membership enables us to operate as a worldwide firm.
There are many rewards for good personal tax and financial planning but it is often an arduous task for many individuals. Our tax experts adopt a highly personalised approach to delivering tax compliance and planning advice. We work with individuals, sole traders, partnerships and company directors alike.
Tax compliance and strategy development are complex and getting them right is vital to business success. We take a proactive and practical approach when advising on corporate tax. We work closely with our clients to meet all obligations quickly and accurately, to identify tax opportunities and to avoid exposure to risks.
Relevant Contracts Tax is a withholding tax that applies to payments made by a principal contractor to a subcontractor in the construction, forestry and meat processing industries. The legislation obliges the principal contractor to retain 0%, 20% or 35% of the amount payable to contractors/sub-contractors engaged to carry out relevant operations in Ireland. It applies to both resident and non-resident contractors.
The deduction rate applicable to each subcontractor is determined by their own tax compliance history and status. They may receive payments with 0% RCT deducted, provided they keep their tax affairs up to date. The standard 20% rate is applied to subcontractors registering with Revenue for the first time. The 35% rate will apply to all other subcontractors who are either not registered with Revenue for RCT or may have serious tax compliance issues to be addressed.
RCT is a complicated tax that affects a surprising number of individuals and businesses including public and not-for-profit organisations. Failure to comply with the RCT regulations can be very expensive. Revenue recently introduced a new RCT penalty regime which applies from 1 January 2015. Under the new regime, where a principal contractor makes a payment to a subcontractor without the required deduction authorisation from Revenue, a penalty of 3% to 35% will apply. The rate depends on the tax status of the subcontractor.
Although RCT places a heavy burden on business it can be managed relatively smoothly with the proper administration. Our tax specialists look after all administrative issues regarding RCT. We provide effective advice, answer your RCT questions and keep you informed on developments in legislation.
Revenue audits can be stressful for any business owner. With strong professional advice and advance preparation, the actual audit procedure can be managed relatively smoothly. Our Tax team has proven experience advising clients on how best to manage and respond to routine tax audits and special investigations. We perform pre-audit health checks to ensure that you are compliant with Revenue. This health check will identify weaknesses in procedures and enable you to rectify them. We will liaise with Revenue on your behalf and, if necessary, negotiate an agreeable settlement.
VAT is a complicated tax that affects all private businesses, public and not-for-profit organisations. It is a substantial cost and one of the largest components of a business’s tax burden. The prevalence of Revenue VAT audits mean that businesses must focus even more on managing their VAT risk and costs. With good advice, VAT savings can be made. Our tax specialists help businesses manage all aspects their VAT affairs. We provide effective advice in dealing with complex issues and communicating developments in VAT legislation.
With the growing complexity of multinational inter-company transactions and the increased enforcement of tax authorities worldwide, transfer pricing is a critical tax issue for all multinational companies, irrespective of their size. Multinational companies have to comply with diverse transfer pricing rules and a variety of formal requirements in different jurisdictions. This is to avoid double taxation and substantial penalties arising from a tax audit.
Our team of experienced and highly skilled professionals understand the complex issues associated with transfer pricing. This includes developing pricing strategies and methods, preparing analysis and documentation to support pricing methods used and defending pricing positions with tax authorities.
The R&D tax credit is a valuable tax credit that is designed to entice businesses to invest in Ireland. It is a very attractive credit that allows for a tax credit of 30% on expenditure incurred on R&D activities. It is claimed on expenditure incurred on producing new products or improving existing products and services. The R&D credit is available, as well as the additional 12.5% corporation tax deduction at the standard rate.
We will guide you through the process of applying for this tax credit from beginning with minimum disruption and constant support.
Passing on your business and developing your exit strategy is one of the most important business decisions you will ever have to make.
Crowleys DFK provides a comprehensive and professional service to assist clients prepare for all aspects of succession planning. We can advise you on the effective transfer of business control and identify the relevant reliefs available in order to maximise value. Developing exit strategies for you so that the tax consequences of transferring ownership are minimised. Proper succession plans will ensure that the value of the business is not reduced by your withdrawal from it.
Ideally you should begin succession planning three to five years before the event. However, depending on your circumstances, a plan could be put together in a matter of months.
Our Global Mobility Service brings together a wealth of employment tax, human resources and payroll experience to offer wide range of global mobility and administrative outsourcing services and support to meet the domestic and international compliance obligations and social security needs of employers, contractors, sub-contractors and individuals.