Bill Wright, Executive Director of DFK International

Crowleys DFK has welcomed the appointment of a major international accountant as executive director at its global association.

DFK International, a top ten global association of independent accounting, tax and business advisory firms, has announced the appointment of Bill Wright as its Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer.

The firm has been a part of the DFK association – which has independent accounting firms collectively with 455 offices, and 14,000 employees operating in 100 countries and territories – for 29 years.

The appointment of Wright was made by the Executive Board after a lengthy global outreach within, and external, to the organisation.

He previously held the position of Principal at the San Francisco, California firm of Shea Labagh Dobberstein (SLD) – a former member firm of DFK – where he was responsible for mergers and acquisitions, business development, and marketing. He was also instrumental in SLD earning the DFK International Firm of the Year award.

James O’Connor, Managing Partner at Crowleys DFK said:

“Bill has been a friend of ours for a long time and we worked with him when he was with our DFK Member firm in San Francisco. We wish Bill  well in his new role and look forward working with him. We are very excited about his appointment and believes that it heralds a promising future for the association and its member firms.”

Harriet Greenberg, President of the DFK Executive Board, said:

“Bill is a strategic thinker and brings a unique and much-valued background to the position.

As a former client-facing leader at one of our top-performing firms, he will continue DFK’s long-standing tradition of serving our members’ best interests. Having an executive with demonstrated success in driving growth is something the board was seeking.”

Wright earned a Masters at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University and previously was a Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers, a Vice President at Daiwa Bank and a Corporate Banking Officer at Bank of America.

He is a member of the Institute of Directors in London, has held leadership roles in the USA-based Association for Corporate Growth and was an adjunct professor of accounting at Golden Gate University in San Francisco.

Wright said:

“The strongest attribute of our group is our culture – a culture of global teamwork to deliver expertise for clients regardless of location. Maintaining and enhancing this culture will be at the heart of everything we do.”

Wright succeeds Martin Sharp who was in the role for 12 years.

To learn more about DFK International visit

Exit Strategy

Passing on your business and developing your exit strategy is one of the most important business decisions you will ever have to make.

Many of the tax reliefs one may wish to claim on a transfer of assets can be subject to very stringent conditions, such as minimum periods of ownership or active involvement in the business. Succession planning can often seem like something which should be considered close to retirement. However, the risk of waiting is that many of the key tax reliefs available to business owners are not accessible when the time comes to pass on assets, as the relevant conditions cannot be met.

What can help avoid this problem is advance planning. Through preparation, a business owner can identify some of the key conditions required to avail of certain tax reliefs, allowing them sufficient time to take the necessary steps to qualify for these reliefs. Therefore, it is not unusual to see a succession plan being put in place 5 to 10 years prior to its implementation.

The transfer of a business can trigger several taxes such as:

  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT) which is a tax payable by the person selling or transferring an asset. The current rate of CGT is 33%.
  • Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT) which is a tax payable by the person in receipt of a gift or inheritance. The current rate of CAT is 33%.

This article will focus on the key tax reliefs available to business owners and their family members on the transfer of their business.

CGT Reliefs

In order to mitigate or eliminate the CGT liability on the transfer, there are two main reliefs which may be availed of provided certain conditions are met. These are:

  • Retirement Relief
  • Entrepreneur Relief

Retirement relief provides for relief from CGT on the disposal of qualifying assets.

To qualify for this relief, the main conditions are that the individual must be aged 55 or over and must be disposing of or transferring qualifying business assets. In addition, the individual must have been a working director of the company for 10 years and a fulltime working director for at least 5 of the years prior to the transfer. The latter condition can be a stumbling block for many individuals seeking to claim this relief. For example, an individual may be a director of more than one company and therefore may not meet the full-time working director requirement. This is why it is so important to prepare a succession plan early in your lifetime.

If retirement relief is not available, the individual may qualify for Revised Entrepreneur Relief which limits the rate of CGT to 10% on the first €1m of gains on the disposal of certain business assets. In contrast to retirement relief, this relief has no age requirement and the individual can qualify for it at any stage provided the relevant criteria is met.  To qualify for the relief, the individual should have owned the shares in the business for a continuous period of 3 of the last 5 years and spent 50% or more of their working time as an employee or director of the company.

CAT Reliefs

An individual can receive gifts/inheritances up to a certain amount tax-free throughout their lifetime. Currently, a child can receive a gift or an inheritance up to €335K from his/her parents.

In the context of a business, a child may, on receipt of a relevant business property, qualify for what’s known as Business Relief. This reduces the value of the gift or inheritance being received to 10% of the market value of the business property, resulting in a significant tax saving. Similar to the reliefs already discussed, there are certain conditions that need to be met around ownership and the level of involvement in the business.

Farmers may qualify for Agricultural Relief on the receipt of a gift or inheritance of agricultural property. Agricultural property includes agricultural land, crops and trees growing thereon and farm buildings appropriate to the property. By qualifying for this relief, the market value of the property being received will be reduced by 90%. This makes it a very valuable relief.

There are two tests that need to be passed before a person can avail of the relief:

  1. The farmer test requires 80% of the beneficiary’s assets to be agricultural property immediately after receipt of the inheritance.
  2. The trading test requires the individual to farm the land themselves for at least 6 years or alternatively lease the land out to a qualifying farmer for 6 years.

If a CAT liability arises with or without claiming any of the CAT reliefs, it may be possible to reduce or eliminate the liability by claiming a credit for the CGT paid by the parent on the transfer of property.

Although there are many commercial considerations to be made when passing on wealth as well as discussions with family members as to suitable successors, tax plays a key role in informing the business owner as to the extent of any tax liability. Knowing this information prior to implementing a succession plan enables the owner to make more informed decisions and allows for maximising the amount of reliefs that may be claimed. This will reduce the overall tax costs of the transfer.

For more information on tax reliefs related to your exit strategy, please contact us.

Tax Appeals Commission Annual Report

The objective of the Tax Appeals Commission (TAC) is to fulfil its obligations under the Finance (Tax Appeals) Act 2015 and the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (“TCA 1997”), thereby ensuring that all taxpayers may exercise, where appropriate, their right of appeal to an independent body against decisions and assessments of the Revenue Commissioners and the Criminal Assets Bureau.

It recently published its 2021 Annual Report. The report noted that in 2021 the TAC closed a record-breaking 1,793 appeals valued at €3.146 billion.

It also reduced the quantum under appeal from €4.5 billion to €1.65 billion and reduced the number of appeals on hand to 2,703, a reduction of 10%.

The TAC issued determinations affecting appeals to a value of €443 million. Of the appeals closed in 2021, over 70% were closed by way of being settled or withdrawal by the appellant. Almost 20% of appeals were either dismissed or refused.

Of the appeals opened and closed in 2021, more than 50% of the cases involved Income Tax.

Only 4% of cases involved Corporation Tax but they represented over 90% of the €3.146 billion case value.

In 2021, the TAC continued to improve its case management (with a new case management system to be implemented in 2022), case throughput and case closure.

For further information, please contact Eddie Murphy, Partner & Head of Tax Services.

Wellbeing Index 2022

We are delighted to be recognised in the Top 100 Companies Leading in Wellbeing Index, for a second consecutive year. This index, published by Business & Finance in partnership with Ibec, recognises top businesses of all sizes who lead the way in promoting employee wellbeing. Companies on the index, through their commitment to supporting staff, have enhanced their employees’ performance as well as their physical and mental wellbeing.

Crowleys DFK provides all employees with a positive, healthy and inclusive workplace. To this end, Crowleys DFK has driven initiatives including hybrid working, right to disconnect policies, professional development and training, birthday leave, sports and social activities and employee wellness events. Recognition in the index highlights how impactful these initiatives have been on employee wellbeing, within and beyond the workplace.

Speaking about this achievement, Colette Nagle, COO and Head of Corporate Social Responsibility said:

“It’s fantastic to be included in the Top 100 Companies Leading in Wellbeing Index for a second year in a row. Ensuring the wellbeing of our employees is a core priority for us. We recently launched our Hybrid Working Policy to enable our employees to achieve a greater long-term work/life balance. We look forward to continuing operating with wellbeing at the heart of everything we do.”

Commenting on the Index, Ibec CEO, Danny McCoy said:

“It is encouraging to note the diversity of industries spanning the full breadth and scope of the Irish economy that are represented in this index. These 100 companies that we are celebrating today are leading the way in workplace wellbeing and their commitment to instilling a best practice approach to wellbeing has made a lasting impact on their employees”.

If you are interested in working in one of Ireland’s Top 100 Companies Leading in Wellbeing, you can view our current list of vacancies.

Global Mobility - Tax Obligations of Outbound Workers

As the expansion of remote working continues, more employees are no longer obliged to work at their employer’s premises or, indeed, even in the same country as their employer’s premises. This presents a number of opportunities and challenges for employers. In the first of our global mobility series, we will examine the tax compliance obligations for Irish employers with employees working abroad.

Situation One – an Irish employer hires a new employee based abroad

An Irish employer does not need to operate Irish payroll taxes on the salary of an employee who:

  • is not resident in Ireland for income tax purposes
  • was recruited abroad
  • carries out all the duties of their employment abroad
  • is not a director of your company; and
  • has no Income Tax liability in Ireland.

For any employee in these circumstances, an Irish employer does not have to apply for a PAYE Exclusion Order to Irish Revenue and is not required to include the employee on the employer’s payroll submissions to Revenue. Employers should maintain a record of each such employee with a record of any payments made to them each year.

This is a useful exemption for Irish employers who recruit employees to work abroad as it means the non-resident employee does not need to apply for a PPS number.

Situation Two – an existing employee of an Irish employer moves abroad

An Irish employer may find that an existing employee, who lives and works in Ireland, decides to move abroad indefinitely while retaining their existing employment. In this instance, the tax obligations for the Irish employer depends on the employee’s tax residence in Ireland. This must be reviewed each year.

An individual is tax resident here if they are in Ireland for 183 days or more in the calendar year or for 280 days or more across the current and preceding calendar years. An individual is not tax resident in Ireland if they are here for 30 days or less in any calendar year.

a. The employee is tax-resident in Ireland in the year of departure

An Irish employer can apply to Irish Revenue for a PAYE Exclusion Order where an employee:

  • leaves Ireland during the year
  • becomes tax resident elsewhere
  • will carry out their employment duties wholly outside of Ireland, and
  • will be resident outside Ireland in the following tax year.

Once issued in these circumstances, the PAYE Exclusion Order will relieve the employer from the obligation to deduct Irish income tax and USC from that employee’s salary from the date of departure.

b. The employee is not tax-resident in Ireland

An Irish employer can apply to Irish Revenue for a PAYE Exclusion Order where an employee:

  • is not resident in the State for tax purposes for the relevant tax year, and
  • carries out the duties of the employment wholly outside of Ireland.

Once issued in these circumstances, the PAYE Exclusion Order will relieve the employer from the obligation to deduct Irish income tax and USC from that employee’s salary for the full tax year.

PAYE Exclusion Orders have an expiry date. An employer may apply for another PAYE Exclusion Order if the employee continues to work abroad after that date and continues to be non-resident.

It is important to note that the PAYE Exclusion Order does not cover PRSI. Determining the country in which social insurance is to be paid by and on behalf of the employee is a separate issue.

Situation Three – an existing employee of an Irish employer splits their year between working in Ireland and working abroad

This situation is arguably the most complex for an Irish employer. If the employee remains tax-resident in Ireland, Irish Revenue will not issue a PAYE Exclusion Order. As a result, the employer must continue to apply Irish payroll taxes to the employee’s salary as normal.

However, the country in which the employee is working may require the employer to apply local payroll taxes on that part of the salary that relates to work carried out in that country.

Where there is no relief available, employers may have dual payroll withholding responsibilities in both Ireland and the foreign country. They will often run what is known as a “shadow payroll” in respect of an employee’s salary. Shadow payroll is run to ensure that tax compliance obligations are met in both countries without affecting the employee’s net take-home salary.

Running shadow payroll is an extra compliance burden for the employer. Furthermore, the Irish employer must contribute payroll taxes to the Revenue authorities in both countries. This can come as an unpleasant surprise to both employers and employees.

It is therefore crucial that an Irish employer recognises if they will have to operate shadow payroll before an employee carries out any work abroad.

If shadow payroll is required, an employer must establish what is required in both countries and must agree with their employee how any duplicate deduction of payroll taxes can be reclaimed.

Often, to reclaim some or all of the payroll taxes withheld, the employee will be required to submit an income tax return. In this instance, any refund due will issue from the Revenue authorities to the employee. This can leave the employer out of pocket if a clear agreement is not put in place with the employee at the outset.


We have seen here the Irish tax compliance obligations for employers. An Irish employer with employees working abroad should always check their tax and social security obligations in the country where the employee is working. Often, the employer will be required to register for payroll taxes in the employee’s country and apply local payroll taxes on the employee’s salary.

In addition, depending on the number of employees that the employer has in that country and the type of duties that they carry out, the presence of these employees in that country may create a “permanent establishment” of the employer in that country. If an employer has a branch or permanent establishment in a foreign country, it may be obliged to pay local income or corporation tax on the profits of that branch.

For more information, please contact Siobhán O’Hea, Partner, Tax Services.

Implications of the Code of Practice for Pension TrusteesThe Pensions Authority has published its Code of Practice for Trustees of Occupational Pension Schemes and Trust Retirement Annuity Contracts (click here to download a free copy of everything you need to know about it).

The Code outlines and seeks to formalise the minimum standard that the Authority expects of Trustees in respect of the governance and internal control arrangements they put in place for their schemes. This may result in some trustees having to take a far more proactive role in the governance, management and administration of their pension schemes than they have been used to.

Monitoring compliance with the requirements of the Code will be the responsibility of The Pensions Authority who will take a far more visible and proactive role in the supervision of pension schemes than trustees may have been used to before now.

Based on the experience of other sectors, for whom Governance Codes and standards have been developed, we can expect the Authority to be much more engaged with schemes and trustees as part of a wider risk-based monitoring programme. The Authority will engage directly with trustees looking for evidence that they have taken all necessary steps to ensure the governance and management arrangements for their schemes are fit for purpose, tailored to their scheme’s particular circumstances and comply with the requirements of the code.

This risk based approach suggests that larger, more complex schemes and Master Trusts will be the initial focus of the Authority’s monitoring programme. The Authority was very critical of the governance of Master Trusts in its June 2021 report and will want to see significant improvement in this area when it begins its monitoring programme.

We therefore expect to see a high level of engagement by the Authority with Master Trusts throughout 2022. Trusts and schemes that fall below the required standard will at a minimum be issued with Risk Mitigation Programmes that set out the corrective actions the Authority require them to undertake.

The introduction of this Code of Practice represents a significant change in the regulatory landscape for the pensions sector, trustees and service providers. It introduces Key Function Holder (KFH) roles including for Internal Audit and Risk Management and requires the appointment of a secretary to the Board of Trustees to assist with meetings administration matters.

These new requirements will lead to additional costs for schemes who are likely to need professional assistance to fill these roles and to ensure they comply with the new Code. Consequently, it is also likely to lead more schemes to consider joining Master Trusts as a more effective and efficient way of ensuring compliance with the new regulatory environment.

Please contact Tony Cooney, Partner and Head of Risk Consulting, if you would like to know more and learn how we can help you.

DFK International has been ranked as the 6th largest association in the world in the International Accounting Bulletin’s (IAB’s) annual 2022 World Survey Report.

Crowleys DFK has been a proud member of DFK International for twenty-nine years.

The report is based on collective fee income, with DFK International members firms achieving a turnover of $1.532 billion.

DFK has sat in seventh place for 10 years but has moved up the list after achieving a growth rate of 3% compared to the previous year.

The association now has 230 member firms, 1,413 partners, 13,919 staff members and 455 offices in 94 countries.

Martin Sharp, executive director of DFK International, said:

“We are very proud to be among the leading associations worldwide.

Moving up to sixth place demonstrates that despite the pandemic, DFK remains one of the strongest associations in the world and our member firms have continued to grow, which is a fantastic achievement.

We have seen growth across all services lines, particularly in North America, which shows that our members have continued to provide outstanding support to their clients in a challenging environment and in-turn have expanded their practices.

We now look forward to another successful year as we continue to do business and share knowledge and best practice to achieve further growth.”

Being a part of an association with a strong global presence has greatly widened Crowleys DFK’s intellectual resources, allowing us to offer local advice supported by a broader knowledge of international financial reporting.

This breadth of knowledge is a critical resource for our clients, which include leading firms in industries such as information and communications technology, e-commerce, life sciences, manufacturing and consumer products.

These clients find that our expert team provides fundamental advice on structuring their Irish operations, on securing Government funding, and dealing with tax and legal obligations.

As Ireland continues to be a vital hub for international business, our understanding of the challenges faced by companies moving into Ireland will continue to be a critical resource.

Eddie Murphy, Head of Tax and FDI Services at Crowleys DFK, said:

“At Crowleys DFK, we understand the challenges faced by our SME and owner-managed business clients. We are proud of the reputation and long-term relationships we have built with them over the years.

Whether it’s getting advice on taking on two employees in Germany, accessing capital markets in London or New York or helping technology companies expand into San Francisco, we connect our clients with trusted professionals throughout the world.

In many cases our clients prefer to deal with us and in these instances, we instruct the other DFK firms. This means clients can concentrate on their business and don’t need to spend time developing new relationships abroad.”

To learn more about DFK International visit

An area that has continued to cause challenges and risks for businesses is the operation of Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT) and VAT.

The most common mistakes we see being made in this sector are by non-resident principal contractors who engage a subcontractor to carry out construction works in Ireland.

This article will focus on the most common pitfalls that we see occurring within this sector by non-resident principal contractors and the steps that can be taken to avoid making costly mistakes.

1. Compliance Obligations for Non-Resident Principal Contractors

When a non-resident principal contractor engages a subcontractor to carry out construction works in Ireland, the RCT system must be applied to payments made to the subcontractor.

The first potential pitfall for a non-resident principal contractor is not taking the reasonable care to familiarise themselves with their tax obligations under the RCT regime. In such a case, the non-resident principal contractor will eventually be contacted by Revenue, informing them of their failure to operate the RCT regime. This usually occurs following the commencement of the works in Ireland, at which point the mistakes have already been made and costly penalties can be imposed by Revenue.

As such, it is very important that a non-resident principal contractor is aware of their tax obligations prior to the commencement of any construction works in Ireland so that the necessary administrative steps can be taken to ensure that they are set up for the RCT system and fully compliant in operating RCT on payments to subcontractors.

The administrative steps to be taken by a non-resident principal contractor include registering for RCT on Revenue’s Online Service (ROS) and operating the RCT regime throughout the duration of the project in Ireland (further detail on this below).

2. Operation of the RCT System

Once a principal contractor is registered for RCT with Revenue, there are a number of steps that must be taken each time a principal contractor enters into a relevant contract with a subcontractor and each time a payment is made to the subcontractor. These steps are summarised as follows:

a. Contract Notification

  • The first step is to input a “Contract Notification” through Revenue’s online RCT system. A principal contractor must notify Revenue each time it enters into a new relevant contract with a subcontractor. The Principal will then receive a contract reference number and an indication of the applicable RCT deduction rate for the subcontractor.

b. Payment Notification

  • Before making a payment to a subcontractor, the principal must notify Revenue’s online eRCT system of the intention to make the payment and provide details to Revenue of the gross amount to be paid. This process is known as “Payment Notification”. This must be done for each payment made to the subcontractor.

c. Deduction Authorisation

  • Revenue will issue a deduction authorisation to the principle contractor which will specify the rate and amount of tax to be deducted from the payment to the subcontractor. This process is known as “Deduction Authorisation”. The principle is required to provide a copy of this authorisation to the subcontractor.

d. Deduction Summary (RCT Return)

  • Revenue’s eRCT system prepares a pre-populated period end return known as a “Deduction Summary (i.e. RCT Return)”, which is based on the deduction authorisations issued during the period. The due date for payment of the RCT withheld is the 23rd day after the end of the period covered by the return.

The most common pitfall we see occurring in practice are inconsistencies in notifying Revenue of each and every payment made to a subcontractor by the principal contractor. This can be a costly mistake for the principal contractor as the penalties Revenue can impose for failure to operate the RCT system in this way range between 3% to 35%, depending on the RCT deduction rate applicable to the subcontractor.

To put this into perspective, if a subcontractor has been assigned a 35% RCT deduction rate and the principal contractor makes a payment of €25,000 to the subcontractor without first notifying Revenue of the payment and deducting the appropiate withholding tax, Revenue can impose a penalty of €8,750 (i.e. 35% of the invoice value) on the principal contractor for its failure to operate the RCT system.

These penalties can become very costly for a business where they fail to operate the RCT system on high value invoices.

3. Operation of RCT and Reverse Charge VAT

Typically, VAT is normally charged by the person supplying the goods or services. However, under the RCT regime, the person receiving the goods or services (the principal contractor) calculates the VAT due on the invoice from the subcontractor and pays it directly to Revenue. This is referred to as Reverse Charge VAT and it is common area in which mistakes are made by non-resident principal contractors.

The following should occur when a subcontractor invoices a principal contractor for construction services that are subject to RCT:

  1. The subcontractor raises an VAT invoice with the zero rate of VAT applied;
  2. The invoice should include the VAT registration number of the principal contractor and include the narrative “VAT on this supply to be accounted for by the principal contractor”;
  3. The principal contractor calculates the VAT due on the invoice value and records it as VAT on sales (Box T1) on its VAT return. Where it is entitled to do so, the principal contractor can claim a simultaneous VAT input credit (Box T2) on the VAT return, thus resulting in a VAT neutral position.

Although the RCT system can seem like a heavy administrative burden on a business, it can be managed relatively smoothly with the proper administration. Our tax specialists look after all administrative issues regarding RCT, provide effective advice and answer questions you may have regarding RCT.

Should you require any assistance, please contact us.

Following the launch of our Hybrid Working Policy, in another exciting development for the Firm, Crowleys DFK is pleased to announce some key promotions within the Firm.

Alison Bourke | Digital Marketing Manager

Alison Bourke joined the Firm in 2016 on a six-month college work placement and returned in 2017 as a Marketing Executive in our Practice Development Department. With a Masters in Digital Marketing Strategy, Alison led the implementation of the Firm’s digital marketing initiatives which directly increased Crowleys DFK’s digital footprint across all online platforms.

A result-oriented individual, her promotion to Digital Marketing Manager will see Alison taking a primary role in the continuous development of our digital marketing strategies and aligning them to the strategic goals of the Firm. Alison aims to expand the awareness of the Firm’s wide ranging services across all online platforms and to support the overall growth of Crowleys DFK.

Commenting on her promotion, Alison said: “It’s fantastic to be part of a Firm that is so supportive and values employee development. I look forward to my new role as Digital Marketing Manager.”


Conor Hallahan | Assistant Manager | Accounting & Financial Advisory

Conor Hallahan joined the Firm in 2017 as a Junior Accountant in our Accounting & Financial Advisory Department. Since qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, Conor has become a trusted business adviser providing innovative commercial insights for our SME clients across a broad range of sectors.

Commenting on his promotion to Assistant Manager, Conor said: “Crowleys DFK commits to the growth and development of its employees. I’m delighted to have reached this career milestone and look forward to contributing further to the continued growth of the Department.”


Elaine Murphy joined the Firm in 2019 as a Senior Auditor in our Audit & Assurance Department. An experienced and qualified Chartered Certified Accountant, Elaine has particular experience working with our Charity and Not-for-Profit clients.

Commenting on her promotion to Assistant Manager, Elaine said: “I’m very grateful for this opportunity and feel very thankful to work with a Firm that provides excellent career development opportunities for its employees.”


Dean McCann | Assistant Manager | Public Sector & Government ServicesDean McCann joined the Firm in 2018 as an Associate and qualified as a Chartered  Accountant in our Public Sector & Government Services’ Department.  Dean has been instrumental in supporting the enormous growth of the Department while continuing to provide bespoke financial reporting and internal controls advisory services to our substantial portfolio of clients in the public sector and central government.

Commenting on his promotion to Assistant Manager, Dean said: “I knew that Crowleys DFK would be a place where I could continue to grow and develop professionally as the Firm continued its own growth and development. I’m proud to be a part of the Firm and see an exciting future ahead for the Department, and for myself.”


Kyna Lontok | Assistant Manager | Risk ConsultingKyna Lontok joined the Firm in 2020 as a Senior Internal Auditor in our Risk Consulting Department, from the Philippines. In just the last two years, she has led large scale operational and organisational Internal Audits on high profile National Regulators, Central Government Departments and Local Authorities.

Commenting on her promotion to Assistant Manager, Kyna said: “I’m delighted to have been involved with the rapidly growing Risk Consulting Department. I’m excited to be working with such a dynamic and fast paced team and look forward to continuing to work to broaden the services we offer our clients.”


Commenting on the promotions, Managing Partner, James O’Connor said:

“We are immensely proud to announce these new promotions. They are well earned and reflect the values of integrity, respect, and client commitment that our firm holds. Furthermore, we believe that these promotions are another vital step forward as we continue to grow and further strengthen our client services, and further demonstrates our commitment to the long-term development of our staff.”

If you are interested in developing your career with Crowleys DFK, please visit our Careers page.

Crowleys DFK has launched its new people policy regarding flexibility and hybrid working, effective from 7 March 2022.

The policy, which was announced internally on 7 October 2021, has been put in place to ensure that the Firm reaches its goal of building a flexible, purposeful way of working so that our employees can achieve a greater long-term work/life balance.

The hybrid working policy combines elements of home working and office-based working. To enable our employees to work from home effectively, Crowleys DFK facilitated individual risk assessments of employees’ home workspace with our 3rd party provider Capella and provided equipment as needs were identified through the risk assessments.

Criona Turley, CEO & Co-Founder of Capella commented:

“We were delighted to partner with Crowleys DFK in 2020 to carry out ergonomic training and risk assessments for their team while they worked from home. Crowleys DFK continue to use our assessments to proactively ensure that their colleagues working from home are provided with the same level of equipment and technology as if they are in the office, allowing them to work as safely and productively as if they were on site. By investing in Hybrid supports like ours, Crowleys DFK are doing everything they can to ensure a seamless flexible working experience for their staff.”

The policy seeks to empower employees to take responsibility for their own productivity and to facilitate a safe home working environment to do so. Recognising that not everyone’s needs for health, safety and productivity are the same employees can choose to continue to work in the office.

The Hybrid Working Policy follows and operates in tandem with Crowleys DFK’s Flexible Working Policy, and the Right to Disconnect Policy. In line with the Firm’s commitment to the overall wellbeing of our employees and supporting them in balancing their professional and personal priorities in a way that works for everyone, these policies were created to ensure that working patterns do not negatively impact client services, and team working while recognising that every employee is entitled to enjoy their free time without being disturbed.

Paula McCann from the Firm’s HR Department said:

“We are committed to putting people at the centre of our firm, our clients and our employees alike. With that in mind, our new policy, like the preceding flexible working and right to disconnect policies, have been developed to ensure the best working environment. The policy was carefully developed with the needs of the Firm, its employees and its clients in mind and we are confident that it will guide us in achieving the most desirable outcomes for all.”