Vincent Teo

Partner | Head of Public Sector & Government Services

Vincent heads the firm’s Public Sector & Government Services’ Department.

Specialising in the areas of Risk, Assurance and Governance Advisory services, Vincent has a wealth of experience providing practical advice to both public and private sector clients. He has an extensive track record in strategic and operational management consulting. He also has specific expertise in the areas of corporate governance, financial management & organisational review and development.

Vincent leads our consulting division and has a deep understanding of issues facing complex organisations. He specialises in business development & support, risk assessments, organisation improvement solutions, probity & financial governance, propriety reporting, value for money and business process re-engineering.

In addition to this, Vincent plays a key role in the firm’s Inward Investment sector focusing on South East Asia regions, in particular Malaysia and Singapore. He has also assisted many of our clients’ business expansion into the South East Asia markets.

Vincent sits on the Executive Council of the Ireland Malaysia Association, which acts as a commercial platform to promote bi-lateral business ties between Ireland and Malaysia.

In December 2020, Vincent was appointed by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to the Council of Gaisce. Vincent’s term commenced on 1st March 2021 and is a 3-year appointment.

Vincent joined the firm in 2002 and was appointed Partner in 2013. He is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and a Certified Internal Auditor.